The park service is trying to privatize Pennslyvannia Avenue and allow the Presidential Inaugural Committee to have exclusive use. The inauguration parade route must be accessible by the people because it is we who have paid for it and we who have elected the President. We have the right of assembly and of free speech. I am tired of organizations subverting this right and creating "free speech zones." The entire nation is a free speech zone. While I can't yell 'fire" in a crowded theater, I and my fellow citizens can assemble peacefully in support or opposition to any political leader wherever they happen to be. It is that involvement that keeps our democracy alive and healthy. The park service can not not take our roads and our inauguration from us. We paid for it and we have inalienable rights to access.
2. In the search box in the middle of the page, enter "ANSWER Coalition" with the quotation marks(this is very important!)and click on the "go" button.
3. Click on the link "Send a Comment or Submission" which will appear just under the regulation title, "Special Regulation: Areas of the National Park System, National Capital Region."
4. Enter your name and address and comments on the form and click on the button "Next Step" at the bottom of the page. You can leave blank or ignore fields such as "Organization Name" or "Government Agency Type" if you are filing on behalf of yourself and not on behalf of an organization or government agency and you are not required to give your email address.
5. You will be given a page on which you may review your comment. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. You are done!